What types of foods will help me feel better? e.g.-I’m tired, I can’t focus, I can’t sleep, I have no energy
Does what my child eat affect his/her behavior?
What does “leaky gut” mean?
Is there a gut-brain connection? If so, what does that mean for me? For my child?
Do I need supplements? What really works and which ones would be most beneficial?
Should I avoid wheat, dairy, and/or soy? What are the health benefits of avoiding any of these?
Can you explain how numerous food additives affect our health?
What is the true cause of heart disease and is cholesterol part of the problem?
What role does diet play in Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease?
What kinds of foods increase inflammation?
What’s the difference between a food allergy and a food sensitivity?
How can I lose weight and optimize my health with real foods instead of packaged programs for weight loss?
What is epigenetics and how can good nutrition play a role?
How can changing a nursing mom’s diet or baby formula improve an infant’s reflux?
If any of these questions apply to you, please contact Traci by email or call her at 914-474-3795.